1、这辆小汽车花费花费我爸爸一万美元用英文怎么说 三种答案?
It costed my father ten thousand US dollars for this small car.
My father spent ten thousand US dollars for this small car.
This small car costed my father ten thousand dollars.
automobile acquisition tax(汽车购置税)road toll(养路费)(交通强制险)Transportation compulsion insurance (商业险)Commercial risks
(车船使用税)vehicle and vessel use tax (车损险)DLW (三者险)the traffic accident liability insure (座位险)insuring for seat to the vehicle (玻璃险)Broken glass insurance(不计免赔)"non-dectible" insurance (划痕险)Nick risks (盗抢险)pilfer risk
汽车英文是car; automobile; auto; motor vehicle; autocar。
翻译:He is learning to drive.
翻译:The front end of the car separated from the rest of the vehicle
翻译:A car hit her on a crossing.
翻译:He lost control of his car
翻译:He was already buffing the car's hubs.
我国国家最新标准《汽车和挂车类型的术语和定义》(GB/T 3730.1—2001)中对汽车有如下定义:由动力驱动,具有4个或4个以上车轮的非轨道承载的车辆,主要用于:载运人员和(或)货物;牵引载运人员和(或)货物的车辆;特殊用途。
abandonment clause 委付条款
act of god 不可抗力
all-risks policy一切险保单
assignment clause 转让条款
certificate of insurance 保险证明书
claim 索赔
claim assessor 索赔人
claim 索赔
compulsory insurance 强制保险
coverage 保险总额
damage certificate 损坏证明书
damage claim 损坏索赔
damage 损坏赔偿金
deposit premium 预付保险费
endorsement 签注
expiration of policy 保险单满期
faa ( free of all average) 全损赔偿
free of average 全损赔偿
general policy condition 保险单一般规定
indemnity 赔款
indemnity 损害赔偿
in-full premium 全部保险费
initial premium 初期保险费
insurance broker 保险经纪人
insurance company 保险公司
insurance policy 保险单
insurance premium 保险费
insured, assured 被保险人
insurer, underwriter 保险人;保险商
jettison 投弃
knock-for-knock agreement 互撞免赔协议
liability insurance 责任保险
loss adjuster 损失理算人
loss ratio 赔付率
motor insurance 汽车保险
mutual insurance company 互助保险公司
natural calamities 自然灾害
natural losses 自然损耗
no-claims bonus 无索偿奖金
notice of loss 损害通知书
null and void 宣告无效
obligation of compensation for loss 赔偿的义务
policy-holder 保险客户
reinsurance 再保险;转保
renewal premium 续保费
renewal 续保;延期
sum insured 保险金额
survey 查勘
termination of risk 保险责任终止
third party insurance 第三方保险
time limit for filing claims 索赔时限
time policy 定期保险单
to renew 续保
u/w (underwriter) 承保人
unvalued policy 不定值保单
养路费 road toll/ road preset maintenance fee
购置税 acquisition tax
过户费 Transfer fee
验车费 Inspection Fee
Value-added Tax on sales
Vehicle to return empty fee